Discrete and Algorithmic Mathematics Red de Matemática Discreta y Algorítmica

PhD position on Coding Theory in Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The Combinatorics, Coding and Security Group (CCSG) is a research group in the Department of Information and Communications Engineering (DEIC) at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). The CCSG Group has been uninterruptedly working since 1987 in several projects and research activities on Information Theory, Communications, Coding Theory, Source Coding, Cryptography, Electronic Voting, and Network Coding. Currently, the Coding Theory questions and problems we are dealing with can be divided into those more theoretical from a mathematical point of view, especially those that involve techniques coming from algebraic combinatorics, and those more related to applications of error correcting codes aiming to solve specific engineering problems.

Research project: This project is included in the context of algebraic and combinatorial coding theory. More precisely the research of the candidate will be focused on one of the topics:

  • the study of families of completely regular codes (such that completely transitive codes, self-dual codes,…). Enumeration, construction, classification and existence of such families will be the main topic. A survey on completely regular codes can be found in “On Completely Regular Codes”, Problems of Information Transmission, 2019, Vol. 55, No. 1, pp. 1–45.
  • the study of families of codes over rings, $\mathbb{Z}$-modules codes or codes over mixed alphabets. Construction and classification of such families. Permutation decoding for simplex and MacDonald codes over rings.

Application: Expressions of interest must include:

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Certificate of your official academic transcript;
  • Copy of your official university certificates (or equivalent document accrediting your completion of a University’s Degree and a Master’s Degree)

For more information on this position, please contact with

  • Dr. Joaquim Borges, joaquim.borges@uab.cat
  • Dr. Mercè Villanueva, merce.villanueva@uab.cat
  • Dr. Cristina Fernández-Córdoba, cristina.fernadez@uab.cat

Deadline: 14:00 GMT+1, 31st of January 2025