Discrete and Algorithmic Mathematics Red de Matemática Discreta y Algorítmica



Combinatorial Geometries and Geometric Combinatorics 2025, Centre de Recerca Matemàtica (CRM), Barcelona, October–November 2025.
We are delighted to announce the upcoming Intensive Research Program on Combinatorial Geometries and Geometric Combinatorics. This program will bring together students and researchers in the fields of polyhedral geometry, matroids, oriented matroids, and geometric combinatorics. Participants will engage in a rich schedule of activities, including a research school (October 6–17), research projects, seminars, and a conference (November 24–28). Application are open for those wishing to participate in the entire program (October–November). Apply by February 14, 2025 with this form. This program is a Maria de Maeztu Focused Research Activity, jointly supported by CRM, IMUB, and MICINN.

International Meeting on Commutative Monoids 2025, Universidad de La Laguna, Tenerife, July 14-16 2025.
The recent results on commutative monoids will be discussed. The registration form is not yet available. If you are interested in submitting a talk, please email us at “monoidsproject@uca.es”.

XXI Spanish Meeting on Computational Geometry, Santander, June 30 - July 2, 2025.
The XXI Spanish Meeting on Computational Geometry will take place at Universidad de Cantabria (Spain), June 30th to July 2nd, 2025. The topics of this international conference include the current issues in the field of Discrete and Computational Geometry, both in its theoretical and applied aspects. The expected participation includes researchers from the area or from closer disciplines, undergraduates, master students or doctoral students, and professionals from companies and institutions whose work involves the use of geometric algorithms. The EGC (Encuentros de Geometría Computational) have a history span of 35 years, with Santander being where its first edition took place in 1990, and this being the fourth time our city hosts the meeting. See this link.

New trends in arithmetic combinatorics and related fields, Instituto de Matemáticas de la Universidad de Granada, Granada, June 1-5, 2025.
Arithmetic combinatorics has kept developing and diversifying its topics to the present day. In particular, the last five years, and especially 2023, have seen outstanding advances. This workshop will bring together many world-leading researchers who are working at the cutting edge of these latest developments across several fields.

The 8th Workshop on Design Theory, Hadamard Matrices and Applications (Hadamard 2025), Sevilla, May 26-30, 2025.
The purpose of the workshop is to bring together researchers and students interested in design theory, especially as it relates to Hadamard matrices and their applications, as well as in related areas in coding theory, association schemes, sequences, finite geometry, difference sets, quantum information theory, theoretical physics and computer security. The audiences would learn about the latest developments in these areas, discuss the latest findings, take stock of what remains to be done on classical problems and explore different visions for setting the direction for future work. Hadamard 2025 is the eighth in a series of conferences.

Barcelona Discrete Mathematics Meeting 2025, Centre de Recerca Matemàtica, January 30, 2025.
The Barcelona Discrete Mathematics Meeting (BDMM) is a new initiative organized by members of seven research groups in Barcelona working in different areas of Discrete Mathematics. The aim is to bring together these different groups in the area and host a day of talks with both internal and external speakers to learn more about each others research interests and foster future collaboration between the groups.

XIV Encuentro Andaluz de Matemática Discreta, Universidad de Almería, January 22-24, 2025.
The Department of Mathematics of the University of Almeria, the research group TIC 146 Supercomputación-Algoritmos (SAL) and the Center for Development and Transfer of Mathematical Research to Industry (CDTIME), organize the XIV Andalusian Meeting of Discrete Mathematics, a space to bring together different research groups from Andalusia, Spain and the rest of the world working in the field of Discrete Mathematics.

VII Congreso de Jóvenes Investigadores de la RSME, Bilbao, January 13-17, 2025.
Special Session devoted to Computational Geometry and Graph Theory within the VII Congreso de Jóvenes Investigadores de la RSME 2025. The invited speakers of the session are: Sofiya Burova (UPC), Jordi Castellví (UPC), Guillermo Esteban (UAH), Andrea de las Heras (UPC), Fabian Klute (UPC), Tassio Naia dos Santos (UPC), Nicolau Oliver (U. Svizzera Italiana), Camila Zárate (U. Birmingham). The session is organised by Alberto Espuny-Díaz (Heidelberg), Irene Gil (Warwick) and Irene Parada (UPC). See here the program of the session.


BGSMath Advanced Course: Threshold phenomena in random structures, Centre de Recerca Matemàtica - Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, November 11-22, 2024.
The course will present the notion of threshold, a phenomenon consisting on a sudden behavioural change in the random structure produced by a small increase of the modelling parameter (temperature, energy, probability, … ). We will survey the most recent advances in the area as well as explore applications in other fields such as Sociology, Biology, Statistics and Computer Science. The last part of the course will be devoted to covering two very recent breakthroughs in the area: (1) the Kahn-Kalai conjecture, now Park-Pham theorem, asserting that thresholds can not differ too much from expected thresholds [10]. We plan to give a full proof of it; and (2) The satisfiability conjecture, now the Ding-Sly-Sun theorem, that pins down the thresh- old for a random k-SAT formula being satisfiable. The course is aimed at master and doctoral students, and at postdoctoral researchers in the areas of Mathematics, Computer Science and Physics, but is also open to all early career researchers and faculty in other areas that are interested in the fundamentals of threshold phenomena and its applications to different disciplines.

Interplays between Algebra, Combinatorics and Proof Formalization, Centre de Recerca Matemàtica, Barcelona, July 15 , 2024.
Exploratory workshop on popular formal logic systems used to formalize mathematical proofs, in the context of Algebra and Combinatorics. The workshop will explore the recent advances in between the areas, pionnered by June Huh. This is a collaborative initiative between the Centre de recherches mathématiques (CRM) in Montreal and the Centre de Recerca Matemàtica in Barcelona.

Combinatorial Designs and Codes (CODESCO’24), Sevilla, July 8-12, 2024.
The goal of the conference is to bring together researchers interested in combinatorial design theory, coding theory, graph theory, algebraic combinatorics and finite geometry, with particular emphasis on establishing new synergies among them, and new applications to other fields and to the real world, including artificial intelligence, communication networks, cryptography and machine learning. The conference is a satellite event of the 9th European Congress of Mathematics.

International Meeting on Numerical Semigroups 2024 (IMNS2024), Jerez de la Frontera, 8-12 July, 2024.
This is the eighth meeting of a series that started in 2008, with the aim of gathering researchers working on numerical semigroups, or related subjects, from different points of view: Factorization Theory, Algebraic Geometry,Combinatorics, Commutative Algebra, Coding Theory, Number Theory, Semigroup Theory. This is a satellite event of the 9th European Congress of Mathematics.

Discrete Mathematics Days 2024, Alcalá de Henares, July 3-5, 2024.
The Discrete Mathematics Days (DMD 2024) will be held on July 3-5, 2024, at the Universidad de Alcalá, in Alcalá de Henares (Spain). The main focus of this international conference is on current topics in Discrete Mathematics. Known as Discrete Mathematics Days since 2016, this conference inherits the tradition of the Jornadas de Matemática Discreta y Algorítmica (JMDA), the Spanish biennial meeting on Discrete Mathematics started in 1998. The program consists consist of four plenary talks, a number of shorter contributed talks in two parallel sessions, and a poster session. The plenary speakers are: Julia Böttcher (London School of Economics), Irit Dinur (Weizmann Institute), Arnau Padrol (Universitat de Barcelona) and Alex Scott (University of Oxford). The Ramon Llull prize on Discrete Mathematics will be awarded during the conference. The conference is a satellite event of the 9th European Congress of Mathematics.

VI Encuentro Conjunto RSME-SMM, Valencia, July 1-5, 2024.
Two sessions on Discrete and Algorithmic Mathematics will be held within the event, sponsored by the network. The first one, “Gráficas y gráficos” is organised by K. Knauer, A. Montejano and G. Perarnau and the, second one “Geometría discreta y matroides”, is organised by K. Knauer, L. Martinez and E. Roldan.

Congreso Biennal RSME, Pamplona, January 22-26, 2024.
Special Session devoted to Discrete and Algorithmic Mathematics within the Congreso Bienal de la Real Sociedad Matemática Española (RSME) 2024. The invited speakers of the session are: Maria Bras-Amorós (U. Rovira i Virgili), Simon Briend (U. Pompeu Fabra), Pablo Candela (U. Autònoma Madrid), Pedro A. García-Sánchez (U. Granada), Delia Garijo (U. Sevilla), María Ángeles Hernández Cifre (U. Murcia), Kolja Knauer (U. Barcelona), Julio J. Moyano-Fernández (U. Jaume I), Marc Noy (U. Politècnica Catalunya), Mariana Rosas-Ribeiro (U. Rovira i Virgili), Francisco Santos (U. Cantabria). The session is organised by Delia Garijo, Marc Noy and Francisco Santos.

Santander Workshop on Geometric and Algebraic Combinatorics, Santander, January 15-19, 2024.
The Santander Workshop on Geometric and Algebraic Combinatorics will have a hybrid format of mini-courses and invited lectures, plus contributions from participants. The workshop will take place at Universidad de Cantabria in Santander, Spain. It is partially funded by the Spanish Research Agency and the Bank of Santander.


Barcelona Math Days, Barcelona, November 2-3,2023. Special Session devoted to Discrete Mathematics in the third edition of the trienal conference of the Societat Catalana de Matemàtiques. Kolja Knauer (UB) is organising the session, and the speakers are: Felipe Rincón (Queen Mary), Vincent Pilaud (UB), Fiona Skerman (Uppsala U.), Amanda Montejano (U. Nacional Autónoma de México), Alexandra Wesolek (Technische U. BerlIn) and Ignacio García Marco (U. De la Laguna).

Encuentro andaluz de Matemática Discreta 2024, Cádiz, July 5-7, 2023.
The 13th edition of the Encuentro Andaluz de Matemática Discreta takes place in Cádiz, organized by the Departments of Mathemtaics and Statistics and OR.

XX Spanish Meeting on Computational Geometry, Santiago de Compostela, July 3-5, 2023
The XX Spanish Meeting on Computational Geometry took place from July 3 to 5, 2023, at Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, Spain. The core of this international conference is composed by the most current issues in the field of Discrete and Computational Geometry, both in its theoretical and applied aspects. The EGC series began in 1990.


Discrete Mathematics Days 2022, Santander, July 4-6, 2022.
The Discrete Mathematics Days (DMD20/22) will be held on July 4-6, 2022, at Facultad de Ciencias of the Universidad de Cantabria (Santander, Spain). The main focus of this international conference is on current topics in Discrete Mathematics. The previous editions were held in Sevilla in 2018 and in Barcelona in 2016, inheriting the tradition of the Jornadas de Matemática Discreta y Algorítmica (JMDA), the Spanish biennial meeting (since 1998) on Discrete Mathematics.